Content Marketing & Copywriting
Benefit-driven copywriting and storytelling have the power to connect with anyone. While I have personally developed copy for many print and digital campaigns along with researching, writing, and producing video stories, I also teach other creative marketers to hone their craft to create content that inspires and moves people to action.
As nine-year-old Jessica and her mother, Suzy, walked toward the entrance, two undercover detectives grabbed Suzy, pinned her to the ground, and handcuffed her. Looking toward her screaming daughter, Suzy tried to reassure her, “It’s OK, it’s OK, it’s OK, it’ll be OK. . .”
Kelsey and her mom went upstairs to get ready for bed and then planned to finish watching a documentary together. Kelsey noticed the lights were off in her dad’s office and that it was quiet. He must have fallen asleep at his desk, she thought to herself. A moment later, her mother’s scream broke the silence.
I’ve led content marketing teams and trained hundreds of writers, videographers, and storytellers over the past decade. Every brand and strategy is unique and I craft storytelling and editorial guides to help content align with organizational goals, omnichannel distribution, and marketing best practices to ensure success.